Delete an Entry

This will show you how to delete an entry from your program. 

Note: There are two ways to do this - either by going into the admin view of the entry, or by deleting in bulk from the entries view.

STEP 1: Click Manage next to the active program you wish to delete the entry from

  • On the left menu, navigate to DASHBOARD - this is the page you will see when you first log in
  • In the Orange Competitions box, click on the competition name to expand it
  • Click the Manage link
Handy tip: You can also click the blue (hyperlinked) entry numbers to skip ahead a few steps and view those entries on a list.

STEP 2: View Your Entries

  • Open the "Entries" drop-down and click "View All"
You can also click any of the other View options if you'd prefer.

STEP 3: Select an Entry

  • Open the desired entry by clicking "Select" on the right-hand side, under the "Action" header

STEP 4: Select "General" Information

  • Find and click on the "General" information tab

STEP 5: Delete the Entry

  • Scroll down to find and click "Delete"
  • Click "OK" when the pop-up box appears asking to confirm your selection

OR: Delete in bulk

  • Follow Step 1 and 2 of this guide. Then...
  1. Select the entries being deleted by checking the boxes to the left
  2. A BULK ACTIONS button will appear - click that
  3. Put a check in the option for deleting all checked items
  4. Click OK button