Admin Sign Up Form

Welcome to this year's American Advertising Awards Software Setup. To get started with your competition setup in OpenWater, please enroll to become an administrator within the OpenWater Awards software.

It's really easy, and only takes a few minutes. Once you complete the form, we'll quickly get you into the system so you can get set up and go live quickly.

Click here to get started

STEP 1: Go to the sign up portal
  • Visit the sign up portal located here (

STEP 2: Click the big link

  • Scroll down and click the link to begin your enrollment.

STEP 3: Login or Create Account

  • If you have an account from a previous year, login on the left side.
    • If you forgot your password, you can click Forgot Password link to retrieve a new password.
  • If this is your first time using OpenWater, create an account on the right side.

STEP 4: Complete form

  • Complete all of the required fields of the sign up form.
  • Note: You will need to select the District, and then the Club, before seeing and completing the rest of the form

STEP 5: Fast Track or OpenWater Configured

  • On the sign up form, you have the option to choose Fast Track or OpenWater Configured.
  • Fast Track. If you choose Fast Track, we will get you your admin access within one business day so you can login and begin making edits to your competition configuration. Your competition's settings will have been copied over from last year. But you will still need to update your competition dates and price rules.
  • OpenWater Configured. We will send you a Google Document detailing what your settings were the previous year. You can then reply with what you want changed and updated. We will make those edits for you and then provide you access to the system.

STEP 6: Wait for Admin Access

  • If you chose the Fast Track Option, we will respond within one business day with your administrative access.
  • If you chose the OpenWater Configured option, it may take up to three business days

STEP 7: Begin Configuring Your Competition